Counselor Conference 2023
Counselor Conference 2023

National School Counseling Week – Academies of the Antelope Valley

Monday February 5th – Friday, February 9th

National School Counseling Week 2024, “School Counseling: Standards-Based, Student-Focused,” celebrated Feb. 5-9, 2024, focuses public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. National School Counseling Week, presented by ASCA, highlights school counselors’ tremendous impact in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. National School Counseling Week is always celebrated the first full week in February.

Educational Social Worker Spotlight: Brittani Skinner

Being an Educational Social Worker within the counseling department is such a reward. I love working with families and kids to remove barriers that may impact their ability to truly thrive within the school setting. I look forward to seeing the students create and execute goals that they create for themselves and empower and motivate them within the process. It is my privilege to work alongside our youth and be a listening ear, a mentor , or even just a familiar face as they go through this crucial stage of development in their life. Our youth are the FUTURE and being able to pour into and create a supportive environment for them is vital, something I look forward to daily. It is an honor to be in this role.

School Spotlight: SOAR Prep Academy

Counselor Corner: Danielle Bryant

Being a school counselor gives me the opportunity to actively engage with and inspire students, guiding them towards self-betterment through the pursuit of knowledge. I derive immense satisfaction from student success and am deeply humbled by the notes and/or thank you cards from students and parents thanking me for supporting their educational journey, social/emotional development or College & Career Readiness. I have been a school counselor for more than 23 years. I love being a school counselor because it gives me the opportunity to engage and encourage students to benefit themselves through learning. For me School Counseling isn’t just a job it’s a passion.

Pupil Service Technician Pride: Araceli Heesch

Being a member of the counseling team at SOAR Prep Academy is a calling that fills me with enthusiasm and purpose. What ignited mu passion is the profound conncetion I form with each student and the opportunity to be a guiding light during their transformative years. Every day, I am inspired bu the resilience and potential I see in our young students. Whether it’s offering a listening ear, providing guidance through challenges, or celebrating their achievements, being a Pupil Services Technician allows me to witness the profound impact of support and encouragement. I get a sense of fulfillment lnowing that I am contributing to shaping confident individuals who are equipped to navigate life’s journey with courage and determination. This is why I cherish being a part of SOAR Prep Academy’s counseling team and it’s what drives me to continue making a difference in the lives of our students every day.

School Spotlight: Knight Prep Academy

Counselor Corner: Cassaundra Ramirez

I love being a counselor because of the work it allows me to do with students and families. Helping students achieve their goals is such a reward. Seeing their growth, academically and, even more so, socially is amazing. They come to my school as 6th graders – often nervous and unsure of what to expect in middle school. By the time they leave after 8th grade it is hard not to see the transformations that have taken place. When doing career lessons with my students, I always encourage them to find a career path they love so much that it doesn’t feel like “work.” I am happy to say that I found that path for myself. I thoroughly enjoy working with my students, so much so that it does not feel like work.

It is an inspiration when I see my students achieve. Whether it is small, measurable growth after a SEL group, a boost in grades from one grading period to the next, or hearing about the colleges they have been accepted to when they come to visit in their senior year… It is all inspiring and serves as a reminder of how wonderful my job is.

Pupil Service Technician Pride: Nicole Luna

I enjoy being a PST because everyday I have the opportunity to help make positive impacts in at least one student’s life daily and multiple throughout the year. It brings me great joy to create relationships with new incoming students and their families. Being able to make a difference in one student’s life and hear about their life goals bring great experience.

School Spotlight: Virtual Academy

Counselor Corner: Derek Myles

As a School Counselor, I feel it is an incredible blessing to forever be a part of this chapter in a student’s life, from high school to adulthood. I try to give my students the best version of myself everyday. I do not take this career for granted!

Pupil Services Technician Pride: Brianna Taksony

I love my job as a Pupil Services Technician at Virtual Academy. It allows me to connect with students, families and staff and help make each person’s educational experience a little bit brighter. My favorite part of my day is when I can make connections and build relationships with students and families, both in person and virtually.

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