ELAC Parent Meeting Highlights – LnHS & QHHS

Lancaster High School – ELAC Parent Meeting

Tuesday, November 14th

Lancaster High School’s English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) hosted a wonderful parent meeting on Tuesday, November 14th!

Sara Krueger and the LnHS EL Team hit a GRAND SLAM at Tuesday’s 6:00 pm ELAC meeting with a college presentation, resources, and a raffle. Several of their incredible parents also brought home-cooked meals to share with everyone!

Sara Krueger shared the EL team’s hard work:

With the amazing efforts from Bilingual Secretary, Ana Chang and Bilingual Instructional Aides, Claudia La Torre and Katherine Lopez Gochez, the EL team were able to make personalized phone calls to parents and encourage parents as well as students to attend meetings! The successful meeting that was held on Tuesday was a result of their efforts!

Congratulations to the EL team at Lancaster High School and thank you to our awesome parents for attending as well as contributing their time and home-cooked meals!

Quartz Hill High School – ELAC Parent Meeting

Thursday, November 16th

The EL team at Quartz Hill High School rocked their ELAC parent meeting on Thursday, November 16th that took place during 6th Period!

The meeting consisted of guiding parents through the log-in process for PowerSchool as well as how to check their student’s grades. Handouts with helpful community resources were distributed and key announcements were made to keep all the amazing parents up to date about the Academic Parent & Student Workshops happening at QHHS on December 9th. Raffle door prizes were also given to the parents!

A huge shout-out to Vice Principal Ed Gonzalez, EL Coordinators Sam Poon & Socorro Reyes, and Bilingual Secretary Claudia Arauz. We also want to thank our AVUHSD Office EL staff, Pablo Andrade and Lorena Durr for guidance!

2023-2024 DELAC Meetings




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