Littlerock High School Students Participate in 2023 San Bernardino Forestry Challenge
Green Valley Lake, CA — 13 students from Littlerock High School participated
recently in the 2023 San Bernardino Forestry Challenge, one group out of a total of
148 high school students from 17 schools, from the Southern California region.
The event was November 15th to 18th at Hume SoCal in Green Valley Lake,
One of the highlights for the students this year was the opportunity to do a post-
treatment assessment of the Upper Little Bear Mountain Club Fuel Reduction
Project. Students collected data on a recently treated, undeveloped forest area
owned by the community and determined if the treatment met the project
objectives. During the Challenge, teams of students also completed a field test
to assess their technical forestry knowledge and data collecting skills.
“The Forestry Challenge is a highly engaging and immersive program that
challenges students to develop a fundamental understanding of forestry science
and fire prevention, while also encouraging teamwork and academic
excellence,” said Littlerock High School teacher Stephen Davison. Syeid Bush,
a junior at Littlerock High School, summed it up as follows: “Forestry Challenge
is a great opportunity to help students learn more about the environment, as
well as get in touch with the community that lives in these environments.
Students feel actively involved in making a difference and helping those
communities that need it.”
Way to go Lobos!
Littlerock High School students do a post-treatment
assessment of the Upper Little Bear Mountain Club Fuel Reduction Project at
the 2023 San Bernardino Forestry Challenge near Lake Arrowhead.
Front Row, Left to Right: Crystal Mendoza, Emily Cron, Rosheily Arroyo
Chavez, and Francis Lerma
Middle Row, Left to Right: Robin Olsen (advisor), Will Avila, Alejandro Marquez,
Juan Valladares, and Stephen Davison (advisor)
Back Row, Left to Right: Jaklynn Stroshine, Guillermo Carrillo, Syied Bush,
Osvaldo Medina, and Daniel Carrigan
Littlerock High School student Jacklynn Stroshine uses an angle
gauge to determine the forest density, one of the many skills learned at the 2023 San
Bernardino Forestry Challenge near Lake Arrowhead.