National School Counseling Week - AVAE
National School Counseling Week - AVAE

National School Counseling Week – Antelope Valley Adult Education

Monday February 5th – Friday, February 9th

National School Counseling Week 2024, “School Counseling: Standards-Based, Student-Focused,” celebrated Feb. 5-9, 2024, focuses public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. National School Counseling Week, presented by ASCA, highlights school counselors’ tremendous impact in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. National School Counseling Week is always celebrated the first full week in February.

School Spotlight: Antelope Valley Adult Education

Counselor Corner: Elinor Kun

I really enjoy helping my adult students reach their academic and career goals! I am inspired daily because I have the opportunity to help adults who have the courage to come back to school to better themselves.

Counselor Corner: Dr. Kathleen Walters

I love using my research as a foundation to create motivation and support strategies to increase retention and program completion, and sharing those strategies with schools across the state. I am inspired daily by the persistence demonstrated by our students in overcoming their challenges to reach their goals!

Guidance Clerk Corner: Tania Callahan-Bashor

I am one of the lucky individuals in this world who can say they love what they do. When I first came to work for the AV Adult School I had no idea how much we offered. It is awesome. Once I began learning all we offered I soon realized the adult school is a school of HOPE! Each day we receive phone calls and walk-ins of individuals looking for direction, from earning their high diploma, GED, or beginning a new career path.

They need someone to listen, give encouragement, and provide ideas of what options they have. This is what we do. I love seeing someone walk in feeling lost only to be given the “HOPE” they are looking for to accomplish their dream of a better future. No one likes to feel like they have no hope. Students will come in and be greeted with a smile and how can I help you. We have positive expectations and believe everyone is capable.. It is a joy to see our students complete their program and reach his/her goal!!!

I am inspired daily by the perseverance of our students. Life can bring many challenges and I have seen and spoken with our students regarding their families, work, health, and personal struggles. Some stories can bring you to tears and other stories will make you smile. They are adults who are returning to create a better life for him/herself. They have overcome obstacles and continue to show up and not give up to achieve their dream.

I also cannot leave out the amazing staff of the AV Adult School. I have the honor to work with the best staff. I am inspired to always give my best because I see first-hand the care, dedication, time, and support the staff provides to our students but also to one another. Encouragement and lifting one another up is key and we all work together to provide a positive and enjoyable work place and learning environment.

Guidance Clerk Corner: Katana Bryant

I love what I do! I enjoy helping students meet their goals. I am inspired daily to do what I do because I know students are relying on us to help them with their journey, which starts with kindness and compassion.

Guidance Clerk Corner: Belem Godinez

I truly enjoy serving our community! Customer service is my passion. Our ESL community inspires me daily and their desire to accomplish something, especially for the older generation.

Pupil Services Technician Pride: Cyndi Haussmann

I love seeing our students’ confidence grow as they learn new skills and reach their career goals! I am inspired daily by the courage of our students working everyday to improve their lives.

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