SOAR High School Selected for the Airforce Research Laboratory ENSPIRE Program
Exciting SOAR News!
SOAR High School was awarded a 10k grant from the Airforce Research Laboratory’s ENSPIRE Program to continue the work on Alaris: Technology to assist ADHD.
SOAR’s STEM Research students began working on this project last year (funded by the Lemelson-MIT grant), and they are excited to share that they will be able to continue the work with this new grant!
The AVUHSD congratulates you! Keep Soarin’!
What is the Airforce Research Laboratory ENSPIRE Program?
“Edwards Air Force Base, California (AFRL) – The Air Force Research Laboratory, Rocket Propulsion Division encourages teachers and schools to get involved with the local ENSPIRE program. The ENSPIRE program is heading into a new year and seeks to provide selected teachers and schools in the Antelope Valley the opportunity to administer hands-on STEM activities which directly support careers at AFRL.”
“Submitted projects are competitively selected by a team of AFRL researchers to identify the programs that will have the highest impact in providing quality STEM experiences for students. In 2022-2023, eight projects were funded. Topics ranged from coding, forensic investigation, robotics design, and manufacturing. The ENSPIRE program goal is to encourage students to enter a STEM career field by enabling early STEM activities.” SOAR High School Selected for the Airforce Research Laboratory ENSPIRE Program